2024 Annual Report

Your tax-deductible donation allows us to better serve individuals experiencing homelessness, almost all of whom are Veterans.
Dear Friends,
It’s an exciting time to be part of Homes for the Brave!
We are proud to announce our Park Avenue headquarters renovation is already making a difference in the lives of the Veterans we serve. By increasing accessibility and privacy and offering enrichment spaces, their new home is shaping their journey to successful futures.
Our programming has expanded too. Our clinical services include trauma informed psychotherapy sessions and we have partnered with the University of Bridgeport Nursing School and the West Haven VA’s Mobil Medical Unit to enhance the health and wellness of the Veterans in our facilities and the Greater Bridgeport area. Our Team at the Tony Cinquanta Veterans Service Center has been working to assist more Veterans with housing, veterans disability claims, and community support programming.
To aid our clients’ independence, we grew our workshop offerings. Clients participate in training on a variety of new topics including budgeting, fraud prevention, savings, self-care, gratitude and attitude enhancement, finding budget-friendly utility programs, nutrition and voting.
Our Vocational Team assisted 85% of participating Veterans to acquire employment opportunities or complete job training programs.
We are grateful for the guidance of our excellent Board of Directors, the dedication of our outstanding Staff, and for the determination and efforts of our Veterans as they pursue independence and permanent housing solutions.
Our heartfelt thanks for your generous support cannot be understated, especially in these challenging times, and, as you will see in the pages of this report, we are truly creating brighter futures together.
Please enjoy our Annual Report and respond by making a tax-deductible contribution. We look forward to continuing to work together in service to the men and women who answered the call to serve our country.
Please check with your employer about matching gifts!
Make an enduring contribution to Homes for the Brave by remembering us in your estate plans. You will have a lasting impact on the Veterans today and in the future. Contact our staff for details.